Jacar Press Presents a Reading with Kevin Prufer in Conversation with Molly Twomey

Jacar Press Presents a Reading with Kevin Prufer on Wednesday, December 6, 2pm ET From the organizers: "Their conversation will be centered around Kevin's amazing new book The Fears, Copper Canyon Press. Ghostlit by streetlights” and filtered through tale and recollection, Prufer examines our fears of loss, death, and obscurity. Narratives are braided together as […]

Danusha Laméris Presents the Nine Lenses of Poetry Workshop Series

Danusha Laméris Presents the Nine Lenses of Poetry Workshop Series from February 11th to March 10th, 5 Sundays at 5pm PT From Danusha: "Are you an Innovator? A Soul Keeper? There are so many ways to write poems. And so many kinds of poems to read. Sometimes, it’s easy to think there's a right way […]


Green Linden Press: Essential Queer Voices of U.S. Poetry featuring Randall Mann, Eduardo C. Corral, etc.

In this third reading for Essential Queer Voices of U.S. Poetry, an anthology edited by Christopher Nelson and introduced by Jack Halberstam, the writers Randall Mann, Brian Blanchfield, Dorothy Chan, Eduardo C. Corral, and Brian Teare will show how "poetry can reveal our shared humanity." Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsd-CgqT0sHNWJ0IEiNR3QAJ7VtyizoKM1#/registration

Cecilia Woloch & Friends: Kevin Prufer and Naomi Shihab Nye

Join the poet Cecilia Woloch's online reading series, in which she features the acclaimed writers Kevin Prufer and Naomi Shihab Nye.  Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuf-6qpjIvHNUZb-gd1rJZJwqxGZ0AsWP8#/registration

Boutelle-Day Poetry Center: Javier Zamora and Rebecca Foust

Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall (Smith College)

Join the poets Javier Zamora and Rebecca Foust for an evening of activist poetry that transcends borders. Watch the livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IYXArYvK6A

Grolier Poetry Book Shop: Shangyang Fang, C. Francis Fisher, and Charles Kell

Grolier Poetry Book Shop 6 Plympton St., Cambridge, MA, United States

From the presenters: "Please join us for our reading with Shangyang Fang, C. Francis Fisher and Charles Kell with an introduction by Chris Hosea." Register here for the in-person reading: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ek8whi1k63f0c67d&llr=6hztvkcab Register here to attend virtually: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ek8whi1r59ace29b&llr=6hztvkcab

Jim Harrison: A Reading with Rebecca Solnit, Jamie Harrison, & Todd Goddard

Join Rebecca Solnit, Jamie Harrison, and author of Jim Harrison's forthcoming biography, Todd Goddard, for a free livestream event in support of the forthcoming reissue of Jim's beautiful book The Theory and Practice of Rivers. Hosted by Joseph Bednarik, this 70-minute event will feature stories, poems, musings on rivers, thoughts from Rebecca on her introduction to […]

August Wilson African American Cultural Center presents Nicholas Goodly for Lit Friday

From the organizers: "Nicholas Goodly joins LIT Friday to discuss Black Swim. LIT Friday is an August Wilson African American Cultural Center monthly virtual program. Hosted by poet and art journalist, Jessica Lanay, LIT Friday features in depth conversations on the final Friday of each month with writers and thinkers of the African Diaspora. The conversations […]

Ellen Bass presents Truth and Beauty with Marie Howe and Ellen Bass

Ellen Bass presents Truth and Beauty with Marie Howe and Ellen Bass From the organizers: "If you want to encounter more truth in your poems, to express it in the most beautiful way possible, to craft poems that reflect the inextricable marriage of truth and beauty, love and death, the luminous and the ordinary, please […]


Naomi Shihab Nye & James Crews present Ted Kooser Book Launch

From the organizers: "Naomi Shihab Nye & James Crews will share poems from Ted Kooser's latest book, RAFT, out from Copper Canyon Press in September, 2024. Please note: due to health reasons, Ted Kooser will not be participating in this reading, though he will be watching!" Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ted-kooser-book-launch-tickets-935544367387?aff=oddtdtcreator Preorder the book here. Include a […]


The Essential C.D. Wright: A Reading with Arthur Sze, Brenda Hillman, and Forrest Gander

Join Copper Canyon Press and honored guests Arthur Sze, Brenda Hillman, and Forrest Gander for an evening of poetry and celebration in honor of legendary poet C.D. Wright. Hosted by C.D. Wright’s longtime poetry editor and Copper Canyon Press’s Executive Editor, Michael Wiegers, this livestream benefit reading will launch The Essential C.D. Wright and feature rare […]