Intern Recommendations

Rave: Poems 1975–1998

Olga Broumas

Paperback: $20.00 list price

Olga Broumas’ Rave, a collection of two decades worth of her poems (1975-1998), uses ancient Greek sapphic tradition, massage, and music to reckon with our smallest and ever expanding desires. Broumas is a poet who isn’t afraid to articulate the lush, contradictory, beautiful and heartbreaking nature of being a woman. This is a great collection to give to a new reader of poetry— there isn’t a single miss! This book makes a perfect gift for your mother, your girl friend, your lover, or for one of the many women in your life who carry the world on their collars. — Diya, Marketing Intern (2023)

Paperback: $20.00 list price

Night Sky with Exit Wounds

Ocean Vuong

Paperback: $16.00 list price

This is the collection that got me into poetry, and it moved me in so many different ways. Its observations on the human condition and how we overcome the worst tragedies broke me and simultaneously put me back together again. It’s a wonderful collection to fall back in love with reading or to introduce yourself and others to poetry. — Victoria, Production Intern (2023)

Paperback: $16.00 list price

pH Neutral History

Lidija Dimkovska

Paperback: $16.00 list price

One of the things I admire most about Copper Canyon Press is the dedication to publishing poetry in translation. Enter Lidija Dimkovska’s pH Neutral History, translated from the Macedonian by Ljubica Arsovska and Peggy Reid. I picked this book precisely because I knew nothing about it, and I wanted to venture beyond my usual Anglo-centric reading. The risk paid off—I haven’t been able to stop thinking about these poems. — Kate, Publishing Intern (2021)

Paperback: $16.00 list price

A Nail the Evening Hangs On

Monica Sok

Paperback: $16.00 list price

This collection examines the history and experiences of Cambodian diaspora, particularly in the aftermath of the Cambodian genocide. Sok looks closely at the ways historical events deeply inform personal and family memory, so much so that the two become inseparable. It’s a challenging and moving book—it really made me think in new ways. — Lily, Production Intern 2021

Paperback: $16.00 list price

13th Balloon

Mark Bibbins

Paperback: $17.00 list price

 13th Balloon by Mark Bibbins powerfully weaves tender anecdotes and solemn lines of retrospective wisdom in his verses to create a more complete view of himself and all those around him as they navigated those times. I thought this was such a complicated exploration of the powers of memory and the possibilities of reclaiming such a grief-stricken history. It’s a love letter and elegy but also an important cultural snapshot. — Johnny, Marketing Intern (2021)

Paperback: $17.00 list price

Staff Recommendations

Darkness Sticks to Everything

Tom Hennen

Paperback: $18.00 list price

These are poems of place, of deep gratitude and reverence for weather, the seasons. They are timeless, and in an era when focus on self, identity, personal trauma is so in vogue, Hennen’s work invites the outside in and explores what happens when the self is let go in appreciation of the greater world in which we all exist. — Julie Johnson, Finance and Operations Manager

Paperback: $18.00 list price

Of This World: New and Selected Poems

Joseph Stroud

Paperback: $18.00 list price

This is a terrific book, so rich, and in turns offers the kind of sublime, transcendent experience, and even moments of literary euphoria that only the best of our titles offer. And you really get to know the author, which gives it the intrigue of a good biographical novel. — George Knotek, Co-Publisher

Paperback: $18.00 list price

The End of Michelangelo

Dan Gerber

Paperback: $17.00 list price

I recommend it for any older loved one (and younger ones, too!), as it offers a beautiful window onto an experienced soul who still lives every day completely present to nature and the world. — Ryo Yamaguchi, Publicist

Paperback: $17.00 list price