Jaan Kaplinski

Jaan Kaplinski, a linguist and anthropologist, was a leading poet of Estonia. He was born in Tartu, Estonia, the son of a Polish father and Estonian mother. Kaplinski studied Romance languages and structural and mathematical linguistics at Tartu State University. He has translated works from Spanish, French, English, Polish, and Chinese, and provided the literal translations for his own collection The Wandering Border, his second book published in the US.


Books by this author

Awards and Honors

Andrei Bely Prize, 2018

European Prize for Literature, 2016

Estonian National Lifetime Achievement Award for Culture, 2016

Juhan Liiv Poetry Award, 2012, 1968

Essay Award, Estonian Cultural Endowment, 2009

Annual Award, Estonian Cultural Endowment, 2000, 1997

Prose Award, Estonian Cultural Endowment, 1999

Eino Leino Prize, 1992

Juhan Smuul Literature Award, 1985