Open Reading Period Postponed

Dear Poets and Translators,

Copper Canyon Press deeply values our Open Reading Period, as well as the poetry and individuals that this program allows us to encounter. However, we publish just a few titles each year and currently have a limited capacity to accept additional manuscripts via Submittable. As a result, we are postponing our next Open Reading Period until further notice.

We recognize that this news comes as many of you are preparing your manuscripts for submission, and we apologize that this announcement could not be made sooner.

Please note that this is not a suspension of our Open Reading Period. We are committed to maintaining equitable and accessible paths to publication, and we will reopen our Submittable doors as soon as possible. In the meantime, thank you for your patience as we use this time to attend to manuscripts currently under contract, and thank you for your interest in submitting to Copper Canyon Press. 

Those seeking to publish a first book may be interested in submitting to the APR/Honickman First Book Prize through the American Poetry Review, which includes a $3,000.00 prize and distribution by the Press in 2025. The deadline to submit is Tuesday, October 1, and this year’s final judge is Nicole Sealey.

We invite you to sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on future open reading periods, poetry events, and exclusive content, as well as information on forthcoming books, including some exciting new authors selected from previous reading periods!

Poetry is vital to language and living, and all of you are vital to our community. We appreciate your understanding and ask that any questions be directed to


The Editorial Team