Banana Palace confronts the deep anxieties of our age with bemusement, incredulity, outrage, and hope. Observing the crisis of human appetite through the lenses of psychology and science fiction, Levin shows herself disquieted at a world “ruled by a bipolar father-god, unconscious, suicidal.”
ISBN: 9781556595059
Format: Paperback
“Reading a Dana Levin poem is a bit like spelunking into a cave of golden light in which there is a reverse disco ball that turns in synch to the beat of your heart.” —Kenyon Review
“Utterly her own, and utterly riveting.” —New Yorker
“… In rereading the book the necessity and relevance of Levin’s imagined apocalypses becomes immediately clear… Without letting us off the hook for the damage we do to each other and the world around us, Levin is able to look at the world we make with astonishment and awe, insistent on remaining alert to beauty.” —The Rumpus