Hold Your Own is a steadfast search for peace, self-acceptance, and pleasure in a world that makes those basic rights an everyday challenge for Black women. Through her signature blend of sharp social critiques and tender lyric supplications, Nikki Wallschlaeger plumbs the depths of emotional experience with fearless agency and exciting poetic experimentation. She brings the public into the personal and vice versa, intimately revealing—like a live wire into the soul—a singular entity, a person, profoundly impacted by family, community, nation, and world.
ISBN: 9781556596834
Format: Paperback
“In this self-reflective and candid fourth collection, Wallschlaeger explores the Black female experience in formally varied poems (crisp couplets, prose poems, and some that use caesuras and white space) to powerfully parse the layers of past experiences and the injustices of modern life. . . . Amid difficult reckonings with race and gender, Wallschlaeger delivers a memorable work that honors resilience.” —Publishers Weekly
“The poet gifts us meditative reminders that accountability, resistance, empathy, grace and peace, can coexist together. We can, and must, hold them all on our own.” —F.M. Papaz, Poetry Society of New York
“Nikki Wallschlaeger further proves herself as a singular poet of astonishing emotional depth and formal range. Hold Your Own is a steadfast search for peace, self-acceptance, and pleasure in a world that makes those basic rights an everyday challenge for Black women.” —Madison Bookbeat, WORT