In Living Room, boxes of typeface materialize from white space—literal boxes with proportions and corners where visitors might recline comfortably, or discover they’re trapped. Each piece brims with industry and restless attention, and the dramas they contain are manifold. In style and substance, Living Room enacts the urgency one feels to stretch out against cramped quarters of any dimensions. Acoustic, evocative, Bouvier’s multi-layered writing unsettles perimeters: the margins of the page and the limits of cognition.
ISBN: 9780971898189
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780971898172
Format: Hardcover
“The narrating voice in Living Room is insistent but quiet, though it sometimes achieves loudness without any apparent effort. At other times it seems to continue in the reader’s mind even after stopping for the day. It is an important new presence, faintly disturbing and endlessly attractive.” —John Ashbery
“They are funny. No, they’re not all funny—some are even disturbing. Let us say they are by turns funny, contemplative, angry, bewildering, witty, mysterious, whimsical, solemn, lively, gentle, outrageous, and stern. What’s sure is that these tight and explosive paragraphs of Bouvier’s have an unfailing and diversified energy all their own, riveting our attention and showing us the unfamiliar within what we thought we knew.” —Lydia Davis
“Poetry is being born. It is even perhaps the desire for a new poetry that is at the heart of poetry like Bouvier’s. Not experimentation of finding, merely, but a whole resolution to think of what experience and discovery might mean in a bleak time. Bouvier is athletic, accurate, and burgeoning. Too often we think we are in a bad way, stranded between ancient feuds between abstraction and figuration, but the iconomachia is finished. The joy of this volume lies in an unarmed escape at Cythera, where we do not even know whether we are coming or going there, but poetry, fresh and free, is being born.” —David Shapiro