A dazzling collection of poems, songs, and lyric meditations from one of Canada’s most vibrant poets. Pieces of Map, Pieces of Music reveals the breadth of Robert Bringhurst’s social and historical conscience and the depth of his linguistic magic.
ISBN: 9781556590030
Format: Paperback
“He may well be the poet we have all been waiting for, one who can reclaim for poetry the dignity, wit, brilliance, and wisdom it has recently appeared to have mislaid. He is without doubt a major poet, not only in the context of Canadian letters, but in that of all writing of our time.” —Poetry
“Pieces of Map, Pieces of Music speaks with a man-given (not god-given) authority. Do not overlook this remarkable poet/thinker!” —Small Press Review
“Bringhurst’s best work—a full-throated, shape-note singing—is direct, confrontational, and concise—the work of a passionate intelligence.” —Jon Davis, American Book Review
“[These] poems, form following function, can be appreciated for both their beauty and their knowledge.” —Booklist
“Even in an age of multi-media presentations, it is difficult to imagine a work with more dimensions than Robert Bringhurst’s Pieces of Map, Pieces of Music.” —Western American Literature
“A sense of shared responsibility and shared fate burn through this book.” —The New York Times Book Review