Physician-poet Peter Pereira interweaves the worlds of the body, medicine, word play, and domestic gay life. His wide-ranging poems examine the ways experience is imprinted on the body, as seen in beauty marks, blemishes, tattoos, and scars.
ISBN: 9781556592522
Format: Paperback
“What’s Written on the Body is a generous book in its spirit but also in the 70 poems it includes, perhaps enough for two volumes by some other poets… The poet always seems at ease in this collection, no matter which components on the spectrum of emotions are involved, and the range of expressions in the four sections of this volume contribute to its effectiveness… Peter Pereira’s poetry apparently mirrors the immense satisfaction he finds in the knitting of language that summons readers to view words and their meanings in a new light, to discover for themselves the great pleasure poetry may afford when presented so passionately and so expertly.” —One Poet’s Notes
“In the 70 poems that generously comprise What’s Written on the Body, Peter Pereira crafts playful, pleasurable, and poignant works that reveal his possession of and obsession with language… Dr. Pereira is a poet, by Auden’s definition or any other. Passion for language and deep wordplay illuminate every single poem.” —New Madrid