This first complete English translation of Pablo Neruda’s Fin de mundo (World’s End) appears in this bilingual edition by noted Neruda translator William O’Daly. In this book-length poem, Neruda confronts a grim disillusionment growing inside him, as well as the fear that came to haunt the century that promised to end all wars.
Throughout his life—and right up until its end—Neruda directly confronted the injustices and tragedies of his world, and he found lasting inspiration in those whose lives intersected with history, in those who faced down their isolation and fear. World’s End is the ninth in Copper Canyon Press’s series of Neruda’s late and posthumous poetry. Through these best-selling books, translator William O’Daly has been recognized as an insightful caretaker of Neruda’s work, and Publisher’s Weekly called his efforts “awe-inspiring.”
Esta primera traducción completa de Fin de mundo de Pablo Neruda aparece en una edición bilingüe por traductor notable William O’Daly. En este poema de longitud del libro, Neruda enfrenta a una desilusión creciendo entre sí mismo además de un temor que vino a atormentar el siglo que prometió a terminar todas las guerras. O’Daly escribe en su introducción: “Refinado por la música y orquestado por tema [Fin de mundo] es un viaje sorprendente por la desilusión política y social. Mucho como Canto general, su epopeya del continente de Sudamerica, esta obra tardía fue impelida por el proceso de clarificar la experiencia en los fuegos fríos de la imaginación por la búsqueda de una causa común y la hermandad”.
A través de su vida—hasta sus momentos finales—Neruda directamente enfrentaba las injusticias y tragedias de su mundo, y él encontraba inspiración duradera en ellos que confrontaron a su aislamiento y temor.
ISBN: 9781556592829
Format: Paperback
“Pablo Neruda is… the greatest poet of the twentieth century, in any language.” —Gabriel García Márquez
“Neruda’s lyricism wakes us up, even in the face of death, to the connections we have with our land, inner and outer.” —Los Angeles Times Book Review
“This is the first complete English language translation of the late work by Neruda, the greatest of Latin American poets, translated by O’Daly, a specialist in Neruda’s late and posthumous work… Highly recommended for poetry and Latin American collections.” —Library Journal
“World’s End—here translated into English in full for the first time by William O’Daly in a bilingual edition—balances nothing less than the tumult of a century against a lifetime’s personal vision… Neruda turned the whole dramatic odyssey of his life into a poem in progress, and O’Daly’s work reminds us how astonishing, and grateful, we should continue to be.” —Los Angeles Times
“William O’Daly’s translation of Pablo Neruda’s book-length poem, Fin de mundo, is a veritable poet’s companion and guide to the twentieth century. This is Pablo Neruda at his best and most honest… Neruda’s poems are a quiet but potent celebration of the resilience of the human spirit.” —Sacramento Book Review
“World’s End is a treasure trove of intimate insight, available in its entirety in English for the first time in William O’Daly’s careful and precise translation.” —Three Percent
“World’s End can be read as a struggle between facing the truth of what humans have wrought and sustaining hope that we can do much better… Whether it’s his sense of connection to the natural world, or his enduring belief in the people, Neruda, like Whitman, is a poet who can embody multitudes, and contradictions.” —Rain Taxi
“The book is a lovely, facing-page bilingual edition, translated with skill by William O’Daly. World’s End, a book-length poem sequence, takes readers through Neruda’s vision of the twentieth century, a sometimes violent, sometimes despairing journey, but one that closes with hope… World’s End is a necessary volume of great artistic merit, and a testament to a life lived with passion and integrity.” —Magill Book Reviews