Emily Warn

Emily Warn’s latest book is Shadow Architect. Her previous books include The Leaf Path and The Novice Insomniac; she has also published two chapbooks, The Book of Esther and Highway Suite. Her poems and essays appear widely in such publications as Poetry, Poetry Northwest, Bookforum, The Kenyon Review, Ploughshares, Blackbird, Jacket2, and Narrative. She is a former Stegner Fellow and founding editor of poetryfoundation.org. She teaches at the Richard Hugo House and has taught previously at Lynchburg College and the Bush School in Seattle, and has been a writer-in-residence or staff member at Whitman College, Centrum, Sun Valley Center for the Arts, North Cascades Institute, the Skagit Valley Poetry Festival, and state art commissions in Washington, Wyoming, and Oregon. She currently divides her time between Seattle and Twisp, Washington.
Books by this author
Awards and Honors
Wallace Stegner Fellowship, Stanford University