Maram al-Massri


Maram al-Massri was born in Latakia, Syria, and moved to France in 1982 following the completion of English literature studies at Damascus University. She is the recipient of many prestigious literary prizes, including the Prix d’Automne 2007 de Poésie de la Société des Gens De Lettres, the Adonis Prize of the Lebanese Cultural Forum, the Premio Città di Calopezzati for the section Poésie de la Mediterranée,  and Il Fiore d’Argento for cultural excellence. She received the Dante Alighieri Prize for her high and concentrated voice on love, in the great tradition of Arab language and European and Italian poetry. She is the author of Je te regarde, Cerise rouge sur un carrelage blanc, Le retour de Walada, Par la fontaine de ma bouche, Les âmes aux pieds nus, La robe froissée, Elle va nue la liberté, Je te menace d’une colombe blanche, Le Rapt, La femme à la valise rouge, La femme à sa fenêtre, and two anthologies, including Femmes poètes du monde arabe and Poètes syriens.


Prix d’Automne de Poésie de la Société des Gens De Lettres, 2007

Adonis Prize, Lebanese Cultural Forum, 1998

Premio Città di Calopezzati, Poésie de la Mediterranée

Il Fiore d’Argento