Mi Revalueshanary Fren by Linton Kwesi Johnson
Made Flesh by Craig Arnold

Lemon Peeled the Moment Before: New & Selected Poems by Roger Mitchell
Some Nights No Cars at All by Josh Rathkamp

Slow Fire by Pamela Alexander
The Satires of Horace by Horace, William Matthews, trans.

The Rented Violin by Karen Whalley
The Charge by Patrick Donnelly

The Brass Girl Brouhaha by Adrian Blevins
The Ardors by Kathleen Peirce

Slowly, Slowly, Horses by Julianne Buchsbaum
Salt Water Amnesia by Jeffrey Skinner

Body of the World by Sam Taylor
Ladder of Hours by Keith Althaus

Journey to the Lost City by Jonathan Aaron
Declension in the Village of Chung Luong by Bruce Weigl

Dark Under Kiganda Stars by Lilah Hegnauer
The Skeleton of the Crow: New & Selected Poems 1980–2008 by Seido Ray Ronci

The Pear as One Example: New & Selected Poems by Eric Pankey
The Monster Loves His Labyrinth: Notebooks by Charles Simic